These trainings for are professionals in such fields as dance, drama, music, and art therapy, doula work, birth education, yoga, social work, infant mental health, early childhood work, pediatrics, occupational therapy, physical therapy, baby nursing, breastfeeding ,craniosacral therapy, and the like. All trainings and professional workshops are built around the principles of pre and perinatal psychology and include foundational elements of this new field of psychology that entails implicit memory, polyvagal theory, somatic psychology, and more. CEU’s are available.
Infant Developmental Movement & Yoga for Babies with an introduction to Birth Psychology
Brno, Czechia May 10,11,12, 2024: Level 1 Foundations for PreMobile Babies May 18 & 19, 2024: Level 2 & 3 Mobile Babies to Toddlers. https://alicemicunek.cz/lektorsky-kurz-jogy-pro-miminka/